
we asked ourselves was: Can we process less than 15 liters TBV (=Total Blood Volume) by using the CD34+ cells precount and a median efficiency of 40% to collect a minimum of 5×106 CD34+cells/kg recipient? Methods: In this study 92 patients were included. Diagnosis: AML (3), MM (50), NHL (31), HL (6), Amyloidosis (3). All patients gave consent for the mobilization and collection of peripheral blood stem cells. All patients were mobilized with G-CSF 5mg/kg twice daily, 5 to 10 days. In addition Plerixafor 240mg/kg sc was given to 5 patients. For 112 procedures a prediction of the number of CD34+ cells was made based on the pre-count CD34+ cells in Peripheral Blood (=PB) and a collection efficiency of 40% with use of the formula below: Formula: Liters TBV processed × CD34+ PB × 40% (0.4) = predicted collection CD34+/10/kg Bodyweight (kg) receiver. 21 patients needed 2 procedures, 70 patients needed 1 procedure. The processed liters TBV are between 3.3 liters and a maximum of 15 liters. In 36 of the procedures there has been less than 10 liters processed, all those patients had a collection of at least 5×106/kg bodyweight of stem cells with efficiencies between 32% and 87% median: 52.96%. The outcome of this study shows that it is possible to process less TBV to collect sufficient stem cells for transplantation, by using an efficient pre calculation. This has the following advantages: • More comfort for the patient • Shorter procedure time • Multiple procedures possible on one day • Faster cryopreservation

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