
Abstract text Using systematic, holistic and knowledge-based approaches for support the couples by nurses may be effective in reducing stress and increasing pregnancy outcomes, Hypnofertility is one of the methods that can help in reducing stress and increase fertility preparedness of couples. This program was first formed in 2013 by the HypnoBirthing Institute trainer, Sherry Gilbert. Its basic principle is that fertility is a natural function. The program is based on powerful and effective mind-body interaction. Mind consciously or unconsciously records all of our experiences and external messages. The purpose of this presentation is to present Hypnofertility method and to provide a systematic approach to reduce the stress of couples who receive fertility support. The mind functionally consists of consciousness, subconscious and critical factors. Consciousness is the part that analyses, makes logic, and where reality takes place. It records short-term memory. In consciousness; personal boundaries, attitudes, beliefs, decisions, hope for the future, and thoughts. For people with fertility problems words such as infertile, unsuccessful, sterile, complete failure, complex, difficult, dysfunction, disorder, damage, deficiency, too late they hear often. The experiences and these negative messages can lead to the belief that the treatment and the person will fail; make the decision to stop treatment; despair about pregnancy; can lead to difficult, complex thoughts. The subconscious is the creative, emotional part that accepts without separating right or wrong like the computer, does not think rationally. It records long-term memory. It stores all positive/negative experiences from intrauterine life to adulthood. In our subconscious are emotions, behaviours, experiences and way of thinking. Emotions such as inefficient, inadequate, unhappy are often found in the subconscious of couples who live fertility problems. They adopt this way of thinking and experience stress as a behaviour. Finally, the critical factor is located between consciousness and subconscious. Our conscious state does not accept messages without judgment. On the contrary, our subconscious accepts all messages, positive or negative. Hypnofertility improves critical factor barrier. It activates and prevents negative messages from settling in the subconscious while allowing positive messages to be settled. How the consciousness can be affected? The language of consciousness are words. Affirmations are used to positively affect consciousness of couples. The affirmations should be personal, positive, precise, present, sensible and applicable. For example: Instead of saying “Your eggs are undeveloped, few and small”, “Your eggs continue to develop, we need a little more time to collect them.” The subconscious can be affected visualization, relaxation, and imagination. Creating a visual in the mind of a person and adding taste, smell and sound to it. For example; hanging pictures of couples who have children as a result of treatment in the clinic can help the couples to create the picture in their minds. In addition, the imagination technique allows the individual to mentally move away from the uncomfortable environment, relieve tension, and provide mental and physical relaxation. For example; by imagining blood flow to the uterus during and after embryo transfer, the person can activate the parasympathetic nervous system and relax, so can improve blood flow to the uterus. Relaxation is the relief of the person’s body by breathing, visualization, mental space building and music can be used during it. Hypnofertility support program is non-invasive, cheap and easy to apply.. This program of care is a systematic, holistic and knowledge-based and it can reduce the stress, improve fertility preparedness, increase pregnancy outcomes, and increase the trust and confidence in the nurse. It is thought to be effective in changing perspective. Researcher nurses also can plan studies in order to evaluate its effectiveness on stress and pregnancy outcomes.

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