
For several years the Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate (NVESD) has been using an internally developed forward looking infrared (FLIR) simulation program. In response to interest in the simulation part of these projects by other organizations, NVESD has been working on a new version of the simulation, NVSIM, that will be made generally available to the FLIR using community. NVSIM uses basic FLIR specification data, high resolution thermal input imagery and spatial domain image processing techniques to produce simulated image outputs from a broad variety of FLIRs. It is being built around modular programming techniques to allow simpler addition of more sensor effects. The modularity also allows selective inclusion and exclusion of individual sensor effects at run time. The simulation has been written in the industry standard ANSI C programming language under the widely used UNIX operating system to make it easily portable to a wide variety of computer platforms.

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