
Car monitoring is a used way of saving company funds intended for the operation of the company's vehicle fleet, as it is possible to monitor the speed and driving position of a company car through it. There are several companies on the market providing vehicle monitoring for a flat fee. In this case, the device is still the property of a third party. As part of the scientific research activities of the Department of Safety Management, the Faculty of Safety Engineering and within the grant call of the University of Žilina, we decided to create a proposal for our own monitoring equipment. We used the Arduino platform and its components for the design itself. We implemented the design on a theoretical as well as a practical level. The theoretical level consisted in creating a graphic design of the connection and the practical level was realized by the actual connection of the system.


  • Car monitoring is a used way of saving company funds intended for the operation of the company's vehicle fleet, as it is possible to monitor the speed and driving position of a company car through it

  • Zdrojový kód sme vytvorili v programovacom prostredí Arduino IDE a pomocou mikro USB kábla zapísali do pamäte základovej dosky

  • Retrieved from: https://www.fbi.uniza.sk/uploads/Dokumenty/casopis_km/archiv/2015_02/014%20Mach.pdf Zvaková Z., Veľas, A

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Celý zmysel vytvoriť vlastné monitorovacie zariadenie je možné rozdeliť do troch častí. Prvá časť spočívala v štúdiu literatúry zameranej na platformu Arduino, zo zameraním na možnosti vytvorenia zapojenia GPS systému. Cieľom bolo zistiť možnosti základových dosiek ako aj funkčnosť prepojenia jednotlivých komponentov. Okrem iného boli prehĺbené aj vedomosti ohľadom open-source platformy a programu Ardunino IDE, určeného k jeho programovaniu. Druhou časťou bolo vytvorenie návrhu zapojenia monitorovacieho zariadenia pomocou programu Fritzing. V programe sme si vytvorili vizuálne zapojenie jednotlivých komponentov z grafického pohľadu. Obrázok 2 – Zapojenie monitorovacieho zariadenia v programe Frizting s popisom komponentov (autori) - 80 -

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