
This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the level of physical activity and the anthropometric profile, perception of quality of life, and mental health in military police officers from the State of Sergipe (PM / SE). This cross-sectional study involved 30 male military police officers, aged 28 to 40 years. They used the pedometer for four days, then answered questionnaires about: Demographic, Anthropometric, and Occupational Data; IPAQ short version; WHOQOL; Anxiety, Depression and Stress Scale. They had a prevalence of active police (70%) and had no symptoms for problems that affect mental health. 66.67% reported good perception and quality of life, and 70% were satisfied with their health. There was a correlation between the level of physical activity and stress on the day of service and the first day off with quality-of-life indicators. There was a correlation between the activity level of the first day off with the Physical (R = 0.411; p <0.05) and the Environment (R = 0.511; p <0.05) domains. Good levels of mental health were presented. As for the level of physical activity, there was a positive relationship between the day of service and the stress variable. There were positive relationships between the activity level of the first day off and the Physical and Environment domains regarding Quality of Life.

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