
Introduction: This article describes the use of the word cloud technique in qualitative data analysis, being used to identify challenges to professional master’s degree courses in health education (PMHE). Objective: Identify the challenges of two trained professionals through the use of the technique of Nuvem de Palavras. Methods: The software Wordle was used for the construction of word clouds. The technique served as a tool to support data processing in qualitative research conducted in 2016. The information was collected through a questionnaire in which a semi-structured script was applied to teachers and students in thirteen programs in Brazil. Results: The six categories resulting from the analysis and interpretation of word clouds in facilitating and hindering factors indicated the presence of institutional and other challenges inherent in the program. Conclusion: It was found that it is essential to understand the essence of professional master’s programs and to support the development of these programs in the area of ​​health education. And that, the use of the word cloud, together with the watchful eye of the researchers, allows the data to be analysed with assurance.

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