
Abstract Four different Sesbania seeds, S. aculeata, S. rostrata, S. sesban (accession 10865D) and S. sesban (accession 15019D), were analysed for their physicochemical properties, nutritive values and antinutritional factors (ANFs) in order to assess feasibility of use as an unconventional food resource. Seeds of both the accessions of S. sesban were smaller in size but their seed coat+endosperm fractions were higher (56–57%) than those of S. aculeata and S. rostrata (49–51%). S. rostrata had a lower hydration capacity, hydration index, swelling capacity and swelling index than other seeds. The crude protein content in different seeds ranged from 29.1 to 33.1%, crude lipid 4.7–6.0%, crude fibre 10.9–15.8%, total crude carbohydrates 44.6–47.4% and gross energy 19.2–20.0 kJ/g. Except for isoleucine, histidine and tryptophan, all other essential amino acids were deficient compared to the FAO/WHO reference pattern. The seed fractions showed similar amino acid pattern to that of whole seed with slightly higher values. Palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids were the major fatty acids (FAs) and the total unsaturated and essential FAs ranged from 78.1 to 82.3% and 77.2 to 80.3%, respectively, with S. aculeata having the highest value. The ranges of starch fractions in different seeds were: total starch 17.5–20.4%, digestible starch 7.3–10.2% and resistant starch 10.2–11.2%. The soluble sugar contents ranged from 8.8 to 10.6%. The ranges of antinutritional factors in different seeds were: total phenols 2.96–5.95%, tannins 1.97–2.25%, condensed tannins 1.82–5.14%, phytic acid 1.89–2.37%, saponins 0.52–1.46%, trypsin inhibitors 5.25–14.0 (mg trypsin inhibited per gram of sample) and lectin activity 10.2–20.5 units. There was a wide variation in the ANFs contents of seed coat+endosperm, and cotyledons.

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