
Two related studies were conducted to determine the nutritive value and anthelmintic properties of eight tree legumes used as goat feeds. The degradation characteristics, total extractable phenol (TPEH) and condensed tannin (CT) of Acacia (Samanea saman), Desmanthus (Desmanthus virgatus), Rensonii (Desmodium cineria), Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala), Flemingia (Flemingia macrophylla), Gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium), Grandiflora (Sesbania grandiflora), and Sesban (Sesbania sesban) were determined. Except for Flemingia, the different legumes contained highly soluble and degradable components that can provide immediate supply of nitrogen and fermentable matter to meet nutritional needs. Flemingia and Leucaena had more than 65% extractable tannins and contain high condensed tannin (CT) that could potentially reduce gastro-intestinal parasites in goats. Other species had minimal or no CT content. Feeding the tree-legumes provided cheap source of digestible organic matter, while feeding Flemingia and Leucaena was expected to reduce internal parasites in goats because they contained anthelmintics.

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