
Abstract It was reported in the previous paper1) that rice plants showed retardation of their vegetative growth and decrease of degree of seed setting when their silicon content was extremely low. It was concluded from these facts that silicon might most probably be essential for rice. But physiological functions or behaviours of silicon in plants should be clarified in order to solve this problem completely. Uptake and disttibution of silicon in rice plants were first investigated here, especially compared with phosphorus. A possibility of using silicon radioactive isotope (31Si) for this kind of experiment was also investigated. Although tracer techniques have been greatly developed in elucidating behaviours or physiological functions of various elements in plants, radioactive silicon isotopes have been used very little in this field of science because of this very short half lives. Recently Rothbuhr and Scott 2) reported having used radioactive silicon isotope for uptake experiments by plants in Harwel...

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