
Ten species of non-pathogenic Neisseria were grown in simple defined liquid media containing amino acids, biotin, nicotinic acid, calcium pantothenate, ferrous sulfate, magnesium sulfate, and potassium phosphate. Two of these Neisseria were induced to grow with glutamic acid as the carbon and nitrogen source. The remaining eight Neisseria grew in glutamic acid medium supplemented with from one to four additional amino acids, lactate, or lactate and glucose. A strain of N. flavescens grew in the absence of added growth factors whereas the remaining nine species of Neisseria required either biotin or nicotinic acid; pantothenate was required by two and was stimulatory for three of these species. Use of carbohydrates by the non-pathogenic Neisseria in synthetic medium was tested. Two strains failed to use any of the 14 carbohydrates tested; one strain used only glucose; the remaining seven strains used fructose, glucose, maltose, and sucrose to varying degrees.

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