
Aims: This study aimed to examine the effect of different types of meat on the chemical and organoleptic properties of sempol.
 Study Design and Methodology: It employed an experimental method with Fully Randomized Design (FRD) in three treatments, each of which was applied to DA (chicken), DS (beef), and DK (lamb), and repeated four times each. The observed variables were chemical composition (moisture, protein, fat, ash, and carbohydrate content), organoleptic quality (taste, aroma, texture, and color), microstructure, and element composition of sempol.
 Place and Duration of Study: It was conducted in March - April 2022 at West Waru, Pamekasan for sempol production, Nutrition Laboratory of UMM for testing the chemical content, Bioscience Laboratory of Universitas Brawijaya for SEM testing.
 Results: The study provided a significant effect (p<0.05) on the physicochemical composition except fat and protein (p>0.05), due to the physicochemical content of the meat used. The average physicochemical value of moisture was 58.22%, ash 3.06%, fat 23.76%, protein 10.81%, and carbohydrate 35.38%. The physicochemical content of sempol meets Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 2014 except for fat and carbohydrate. Based on sensory properties, panelists preferred sempol with chicken. The use of different types of meat in sempol did not provide a significant effect (p>0.05) on organoleptic taste, aroma, and texture, except color. Meanwhile, the microstructure of sempol beef has a better shape. The cavity surface tissue forms more uniformly and creates a fibrous three-dimensional metric compared to that of chicken and lamb. Some of the elements detected in sempol beef were carbon (C), oxygen (O), sodium (Na), silicon (Si), sulfur (S), chlorine (Cl), potassium (K), and zirconium (Zr). The most complete chemical elements was detected only in sempol lamb.
 Conclusion: The use of different types of meat affects moisture, ash, and carbohydrate content, yet it does not affect protein and fat content. The organoleptic qualities of texture, taste, color and aroma are accepted by the panelists.

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