
ABSTRACT Ottelia acuminata (O. acuminata) is an edible and medicinal submerged plant endemic to southwestern China, yet there is little information available concerning its nutritional or bio-active composition. This study aimed to evaluate in detail the nutritional profile and phenolic composition of O. acuminata (inflorescence, peduncle, and leaf) and investigate a protective activity in phenolic extracts on DNA damage induced by •OH and ROO• radicals. O. acuminata was excellent sources of protein (17.7–24 g/100 g DW), TPC (11.43–19.00 mg GAE/g DW), ascorbic acid, and minerals (especially potassium, calcium, and iron). Interestingly, the protein contained a high amount of EAA with a ratio (EAA11/TAA) in the range of 47.79–50.93%, BCAA and MSG-like AA. The inflorescences and leaves of O. acuminata contained abundant UFA with a ratio of UFA/TFA more than 50%. Five phenolic compounds, with a predominance of luteolin, luteolin-7-O-glucoside and chlorogenic acid, were identified by HPLC. Phenolic extracts of O. acuminata displayed a significant protective effect on DNA damage, which effect was comparable to that of the positive control (trolox). It was concluded that O. acuminata is an excellent vegetable with a high nutritional value and a great potential as a natural antioxidant.

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