
Nutritional management of chronic kidney disease in pets Renea Creech and Kim Wilson outline the challenges of Chronic Kidney Disease in pets, the irreversible loss of kidney function, and how nutrition can help. Approximately one in three cats and one in ten dogs are likely to develop kidney disease in their lifetime. (1,2) Increased incidence of diagnosis occurs in older pets, particularly in cats. (3,4) A longevity study showed renal disorders were a major cause of death in cats over five years (5), and upwards of 80% aged over 15 years are affected by Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) or other renal disorders. (3,4) Clinical signs include vomiting, decreased appetite, increased water intake, and total and lean body mass loss. Veterinarians often analyse urine and blood samples to determine biomarker levels such as serum creatinine and symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA). The International Renal Interest Society provides veterinarians with guidance for diagnosing and managing kidney disease based on staging, with stage 1 representing early CKD and stage 4 severe CKD. (6)

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