
Dairy production plays a pivotal role in meeting the global demand for high-quality milk and dairy products, which are essential sources of nutrition for populations worldwide. The primary aim of the study is to find the nutritional interventions on dairy performance and profitability. This research article follows a controlled experimental design to assess the impact of specific dietary interventions on dairy performance and profitability. The study was conducted at a commercial dairy farm, and data were collected over 12 months.The study utilized 120 lactating Holstein dairy cows from the commercial herd. Cows were selected based on similar lactation stages, parity, and health status to minimize potential confounding factors. The experimental Group 1, which received the custom-blend dietary supplements, showed a significant increase in daily milk yield compared to the Control Group (P < 0.05). On average, cows in Group 1 produced 2.5 liters more milk daily. It is concluded that improved milk production and profitability, achieved without compromising health or welfare, underscores the importance of optimizing nutrition for dairy cows. These findings contribute to the evolving field of dairy nutrition and have practical implications for enhancing dairy farm sustainability and economic viability.

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