
Both under- and overnutrition may have adverse impact on outcome of cancer in children and teenagers/young adults (CTYA). Previous studies confirm that screening for nutritional risk and detection of nutritional abnormality is inconsistently undertaken in practice. We undertook a survey of dietetic resource and nutritional assessment in CTYA principal treatment centres (PTC) in the United Kingdom. Responses were received from 95% children's and 69% TYA PTC. Only 13/18 (72%) children's PTC, and one of 11 (9%) TYA PTC, met national standards for dietetic resource; one of 18 (6%) paediatric and six of 11(54%) TYA PTC had no such resource. While resources were greater in larger paediatric PTC, who were also most likely to undertake stem cell transplantation, resources in TYA PTC were too low to assess relationship to centre size. Most centres focused resources on inpatient care and <50% considered staffing adequate; 82% used nutritional screening tools but without consistency in the tool used. Weight and height were the principal method for assessment, but with inconsistency in the frequency of measurement and use in different clinical settings. Measures derived from weight and height, including body mass index (BMI), were inconsistently utilised. The use of arm anthropometry was rare despite evidence that use increases recognition of undernutrition. Detailed nutritional assessment was infrequently attempted. Barriers to adequate nutritional assessment and treatment for all patients include resource limitations (particularly TYA), training for staff, and uncertainty about detailed assessment of nutritional status. There is a need to harmonise screening and assessment of nutritional status in CTYA with cancer.

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