
The study was ca rried out to determine proxima te content of the Bicol One Town One Product (OTOP) smoked round scad (Decapterus macrosoma) a nd pinangat a nd evalua te their nutrient content based on the Philippine Dieta ry Reference Intakes (PDRI) for selected age groups. Smoked fish sa mples were ga thered from the two la rgest producers in Mercedes, Ca ma rines Norte, while the pinangat sa mples were obta ined from three Depa rtment of Trade a nd Industry (DTI)-accredited OTOP producers in Ca malig, Albay. Sa mples were subjected to va rious a nalyses using sta nda rd a nalytical techniques. The proxima te a nalysis of smoked fish products revealed the moisture content of 54.84%; ash content, 9.71%’; crude protein, 31.29%; ca rbohydra tes, 0.47%; a nd total fa t, 3.70%. The mineral content of the fish indica ted tha t Na (2210mg) a nd Ca (157mg) were the most a bunda nt. The overall nutritional composition of smoked fish showed tha t it is highly nutritive with crude protein having the la rgest qua ntity of the dry ma tter in the fish sa mples. Pinangat products conta ined moisture (65.48%), ash content (2.3%), crude protein (4.2%), ca rbohydra tes (3.83%), a nd total fa t (24.3%). Presence of major a nd trace minerals (sodium, calcium, iron, a nd zinc) was reported, with sodium being the most a bunda nt mineral. In all age groups from children to adults, nutrient contents of smoked fish a nd pinangat products in general ra nged from low to high levels based on the recommended ra nge in requirement estima ted for groups with different activity levels. The study suggests tha t smoked fish a nd pinangat ca n serve as sources of different nutrients a nd minerals needed by the body, however, modera te consumption must be observed due to the high sodium content which exceeds the recommended dieta ry a mount.

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