
Studies have shown that protein catabolism increases by 80% and energy expenditure by 20% in acute pancreatitis, indicating that nutritional requirements are elevated. Other studies have associated the resolution of negative nitrogen balance by nutrition support with improved outcome. Consequently, the need for effective nutrition is one cornerstone of management of acute pancreatitis. Concerns that feeding may exacerbate the disease process by stimulating the synthesis of proteolytic enzymes in the acinar cell and perpetuating autolysis has led to the widespread use of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and bowel rest. Unfortunately, the use of TPN in clinical practice has been associated with major metabolic and infective complications, possibly because 1) patients with acute pancreatitis are intolerant of glucose due to coexistent pancreatic endocrine dysfunction and 2) the disease causes immune suppression. This has led to the search for alternatives. Based on physiologic studies, infusion of nutrients into the distal jejunum bypasses the stimulatory effect of feeding on pancreatic secretion. Many controlled trials have compared TPN with jejunal feeding. No study has shown that jejunal feeding exacerbates the disease. Further, jejunal feeding is associated with fewer infectious and metabolic complications. These observations and the fact that enteral feeding is one-tenth the cost of TPN has resulted in the general acceptance of jejunal feeding as the preferred mode for maintaining nutrition in patients with acute pancreatitis.

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