
Nutrition risk assessment is of great importance to identify patients who may benefit from nutritional intervention to prevent ICU starvation and avoid side-effects of nutrition care. The full spectrum of nutrition risk assessment in ICU has not been defined in guidelines. Many patients are admitted to ICUs with nutritional deficits related to acute and chronic disease. The vast majority of patients who cannot resume sufficient oral feeding within a few days will lose body cell mass due to the severe and prolonged inflammatory process and insufficient nutrient intake. All patients staying longer than 1-2 days in the ICU need nutrition support, close monitoring and risk assessment. Risk assessment has to be constantly maintained throughout the ICU stay to manage properly risks associated with critical illness and nutrition care. Many patients are at risk to develop a refeeding syndrome, to experience serious motility disorders and finally dysphagia after extubation. The dramatic consequences of intra-abdominal hypertension may be decreased by early detection and treatment. There is a close interaction between evolution of critical illness, the associated inflammatory reaction, ICU treatments and nutrition care. Safe and efficient nutrition care may only be obtained when gastrointestinal function and metabolic tolerance of nutrients are regularly assessed.

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