
Galantin milkfish is one of the fish diversification products that can be used as a source of nutrition for the community with the specific appearance. To increase the level of product acceptance mainly aroma, liquid smoke is added as a flavoring agent that is safe to consume. This study aimed to determine the effect of the addition of different types of liquid smoke with appropriate concentrations on nutritional profiles (amino acids and fatty acids) and the quality (proximate and hedonic) of galantin milkfish. Experimental design of factorial was used in this research with three different types of liquid smoke, namely redestilation (R), filtration (F), and microencapsulation (M). The concentrations of the three types of liquid smoke usedwere 1% (1), 2% (2), and 3% (3) respectively. The results showed that the influence of the three types of liquid smoke and different concentrations significantly affected the profile of amino acids, fatty acids, moisture content, protein, fat, carbohydrates, energy and hedonic values of milkfish galantin (p<0.05). The dominant amino acid in the product was glutamic acid, while the highest EPA and DHA contents were respectively in F1 and M1 treatments. Water content of milk fish galantin was 69.82% -72.75%, protein 14.56% -16.73%, fat 4.03% -6.14%, ash 1.62% -2.84%, carbohydrates 2.86% -3.58%, and energy 111.55-138.90 Kal/100 g. The<br />results of the hedonic analysis showed that all the products produced were favored by the panelists.


  • Ikan bandeng (Chanos chanos Forsk) merupakan salah satu komoditas penting perikanan payau yang mempunyai nutrisi tinggi dalam mendukung pemenuhan gizi masyarakat Indonesia

  • Galantin milkfish is one of the fish diversification products that can be used as a source of nutrition for the community with the specific appearance

  • To increase the level of product acceptance mainly aroma, liquid smoke is added as a flavoring agent that is safe to consume

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Bahan dan Alat

Bahan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berupa ikan bandeng segar dengan berat ±450 g dan panjang ±25 cm. Asap cair yang digunakan sebagai flavoring agent berupa asap cair dari bonggol jagung (Swastawati 2016) yang telah diredestilasi (R), difiltrasi (F) dan mikroenkapsulisasi (M). Bahan pembantu lainnya untuk pembuatan galantin berupa tepung, bawang bombay, lada, bawang putih, H2SO4, katalis (K2SO4 dan HgO dengan perbandingan 20:1), NaOH 0,1N, asam borat 2%, HCl, larutan boraks, pelarut heksana (C6H14), NaOH 30%, CH3COOH 3%, larutan Luff, KI 20%, H2SO4 25%, larutan amilum 0,5%, dan aquades. Alat yang digunakan untuk analisis proksimat terdiri dari timbangan digital (OHAUS PA224; 0,1 mg) (Quattro Mac-W, Indonesia), desikator, oven (Memmert), aluminium foil,labu Kjeldhal, peralatan Sokhlet, labu lemak (Pyrex, Indonesia), buret, labu Erlenmeyer (Pyrex, Indonesia), destilator, kompor listrik, kertas saring bebas lemak dan abu, serta kapas. Analisis tekstur galantin bandeng/ gel strength menggunakan Texture Analyzer (TATX) model TATX plus (LLOID, Inggris)dan analisis hedonik menggunakan score sheet hedonic scale

Metode Penelitian Pembuatan galantin bandeng
Analisis profil asam amino dan asam lemak
Analisis tekstur
Uji hedonik
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan desain
Profil Asam Lemak
Proksimat Galantin Bandeng
Lysine HCl
Tekstur Galatin
Nilai Kesukaan Galatin
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