
The addition of essential amino acids to all-vegetable diets, so as to raise the biological value of their proteins to the level of animal-protein concentrates, has often been advocated in the past by animal nutritionists. This aim was frustrated in practice since it was impossible, until recently, to secure the necessary supplies at prices that would make such additions economical. Feeding stuffs with added amino acids are now being sold commercially. This is possible following the manufacture of synthetic DL-methionine and crude L-lysine monochloride.It seemed desirable, therefore, to carry out investigations into the potential value of these amino acids to the pig feeder. This paper deals with the effect on growth, food utilization and retention of nitrogen of adding small amounts of lysine and methionine to the diet. An attempt is made to correlate the amino acid composition of the pig's diet with its rate of growth, the energy supply being adequate.

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