
In this article, we elucidate the problem of providing food products to orphanages in the Moldavian SSR in the years 1944–1947. The research found that the expansion of the orphanage network in the MSSR in the post-war years was due to the social policy of reducing the number of wandering and orphaned children suffering from hunger. The number of orphanages increased during the famine, and gradually decreased after its overcoming. The controls carried out by the authorities in the field of education and healthcare found serious gaps in the process of providing food to orphanages, irregularities in the management of products and even abuse of staff towards children. These realities aggravated the situation of children in orphanages, who were affected by the difficult family situation, famine and precarious conditions in institutions. Survivors’ testimonies show that most of the orphans who were taken to orphanages were rescued from starvation, and in some cases, when taken by relatives for maintenance, they died. The archive documents, but also the testimonies of the survivors show that the difficult situation of the children in the post-war years, the starvation, the vagrancy, the increase in the number of orphaned children, etc. were a consequence of the totalitarian politics and the irresponsibility of the local authorities.


  • Summary Nutrition of children in orphanages in the Moldavian SSR (1944–1947) In this article, we elucidate the problem of providing food products to orphanages in the Moldavian SSR in the years 1944–1947

  • The research found that the expansion of the orphanage network in the MSSR in the post-war years was due to the social policy of reducing the number of wandering and orphaned children suffering from hunger

  • The number of orphanages increased during the famine, and gradually decreased after its overcoming

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Asigurarea orfelinatelor cu produse alimentare

În conformitate cu practica stabilită în RSS Moldovenească, produsele alimentare în orfelinate erau livrate de către Comisariatul Poporului pentru Comerț și Uniunea Moldovenească a Consumatorilor. Să ia sub patronaj câte un orfelinat sau spital pentru copii și să ajute la depășirea greutăților; angajarea în câmpul muncii a copiilor mai mari de 14 ani; asigurarea cu cadre pedagogice; deschiderea maternităților; deschiderea până la 1 octombrie 1946 a 17 centre de deservire cu lapte a sugarilor; demararea în RSSM a propagandei educației sanitare; lichidarea restanțelor la plata îndemnizațiilor copiilor orfani aflați la patronaj; școlarizarea tuturor copiilor; aprovizionarea continuă cu produse alimentare, inclusiv legume și fructe, a orfelinatelor, maternităților, grădinițelor și școlilor; asigurarea copiilor din localitățile rurale cu mărfuri de larg consum; alocarea pentru copiii bolnavi de distrofie a 30 mii rații alimentare lunare timp de un an de zile; livrarea în școlile din localități a rațiilor alimentare pentru 240 mii elevi etc.

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