
The decision to sponsor legislation should be carefully considered. Participation in the legislative process requires a major commitment of your organization's time and resources. You will need first to define short- and long-term legislative goals and then to draft these concepts into a bill and estimate its cost. You will need to select a sponsor, considering the commitment, staff interest, committee assignment, political party, and connections of the legislator. Next, a coalition of groups must be formed to support your bill and maintain media coverage to ensure public interest in it. Testimony and appearances during committee hearings must be made. Grassroots lobbying and letter-writing campaigns will further consume your organization's energies. A strategy for nutrition legislation can yield satisfying results. In a relatively short time, you can literally turn the tide of nutrition programs and funding within your state. But the price is high. Participation in the legislative process is not for the weak-hearted, the meek, the indecisive, or the uncommitted. You will get out of it what you put into it. Plant a turnip, get a turnip!

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