
Consumption of fruits and vegetables is one of the components in fulfilling balanced nutrition. Consumption of fruits and vegetables of the Indonesian population is still low, especially in school-age children or teenagers. This study aimed to analyze the effect of nutrition education with the normal lecturer and audiovisual media on knowledge and consumption pattern of fruit and vegetable of junior high school students. This research used a quasi-experimental design pretest-posttest one control group design in class VII SMPN 246 January-February 2017. Targets were selected through screening then selected who have an average of at least fruit and vegetable consumption. There were 2 groups in this study, lecture group and video combination lecture group, consisting of 36 subjects. Knowledge and consumption data of fruits were measured before and after the intervention. The intervention was carried out once and the post-test measurement 1 week after the intervention. Data analysis using t-test. Knowledge increases after getting education both in group lectures and video combination lectures. There was a significant increase in knowledge and consumption of fruits and vegetables after the intervention in the lecture group and the combination group. There was no difference in knowledge (p = 0,169), fruit consumption (p = 0,417) and vegetable consumption (p = 0,417) between students who were given nutrition education with lecture media and those who were given nutrition education with video combination lecture media.


  • Abstrak Konsumsi buah dan sayur merupakan salah satu komponen penerapan gizi seimbang

  • This study aimed to analyze the effect of nutrition education with the normal lecturer

  • There was a significant increase in knowledge and consumption of fruits and vegetables

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Pola konsumsi sayur dan buah diukur dengan menggunakan Semi Quantitiave

Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) yang memuat 24 jenis buah-buahan dan 19 jenis sayuran, serta dapat ditambahkan dengan jenis buah dan sayur yang belum tertulis (Tabel 1). Anggur, Apel, Belimbing, Duku, Durian, Bayam, Kangkung, Sawi Putih, Sawi Hijau, Daun. Jambu biji, Jeruk, Kedondong, Mangga, singkong, Daun katuk, Kacang panjangm Kol. Melon, Nanas, Nangka, Pir, Pepaya, Pisang putih, Kembal kol, Brokoli, Terong, Labu siam, Ambon, Manggir, Rambutan, Salah, Sawo, oyong, Mentimun. Edukasi gizi dengan media video diberikan dengan pemutaran video sebanyak 3 video, meliputi materi konsumsi sayur dan buah, waktu yang tepat untuk makan buah dan cara menyelamatkan gizi sayuran ketika memasak, serta materi jangan asal buat jus. Pemberian intervensi 1 minggu dilakukan sebelum posttest karena dalam waktu setelah edukasi hingga dilakukan posttest, siswa bisa saja mendapat paparan informasi dari sumber lain yang juga dapat berpengaruh terhadap pengetahuan dan pola konsumsi sayur dan buah siswa. Analisis bivariat dilakukan untuk menganalisis membuktikan ada tidaknya pengaruh dengan uji Paired Sample T-test, sedangkan untuk uji beda dua kelompok menggunakan independent t-test

Jenis Kelamin
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