
Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using nutrient solutions. The advantage of hydroponics is that soil can be replaced with a nutrient solution because it can produce its advantages, such as saving land, planting in any area without the need for soil, and producing optimal quality compared to using soil. Technology development is growing rapidly and has created a lot of IoT (Internet of Things) technology. IoT technology can be implemented in hydroponic methods to produce more accurate and well-managed hydroponic plants so that plants are not treated manually. This method comprises six stages: analysis, planning, implementation, testing, and conclusion. Nutrient control in IoT-based hydroponic plants has been widely researched. Many researchers use different work systems and add new features to improve the quality and quantity of hydroponic plant production. Data control is monitored using an application called HyGrow. In obtaining data and information, the author uses observation and qualitative methods by observing and digging up information directly on the hydroponic system in the RH Farm environment. From the test results obtained, this system has successfully controlled and monitored the acidity, temperature conditions, and humidity in hydroponic plants. The percent accuracy of Nutrition and humidity sensors is 98%.

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