
The main feeding factors leading to optimum milk production in dairy goats are studied in this paper. Because of its high milk yield, the goat consumes large quantities of dry matter. Accordingly, the intake of energy seems to be the most important dietary factor influencing milk production. The amount of concentrates offered must be determined according to the type and the quality of forages. For obtaining maximum production the energy density of the diet must approximate 0.80 F.U./kg D.M. The annual feeding programme of the dairy goat must be adapted to its behaviour and must take into account its physiological status. Before and after parturition, feeding of good quality forages favourably affects the onset of lactation. The supply of concentrates before parturition should not exceed about 8 g D.M./kg L.W. After parturition, the increase in the concentrate intake of the goats should not be too rapid. In the middle of lactation and especially at the end of lactation, maintenance of milk production at a high level requires a slightly higher supply of concentrates than that necessary to meet the requirements for energy.

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