
It has been suggested that the supermarket of today will be the pharmacy of tomorrow. Such statements have been derived from recognition of our increasing ability to optimize nutrition, and maintain a state of good health through longer periods of life. The new field of nutrigenomics, which focuses on the interaction between bioactive dietary components and the genome, recognizes that current nutritional guidelines may be ideal for only a relatively small proportion of the population. There is good evidence that nutrition has significant influences on the expression of genes, and, likewise, genetic variation can have a significant effect on food intake, metabolic response to food, individual nutrient requirements, food safety, and the efficacy of disease-protective dietary factors. For example, a significant number of human studies in various areas are increasing the evidence for interactions between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in various genes and the metabolic response to diet, including the risk of obesity. Many of the same genetic polymorphisms and dietary patterns that influence obesity or cardiovascular disease also affect cancer, since overweight individuals are at increased risk of cancer development. The control of food intake is profoundly affected by polymorphisms either in genes encoding taste receptors or in genes encoding a number of peripheral signaling peptides such as insulin, leptin, ghrelin, cholecystokinin, and corresponding receptors. Total dietary intake, and the satiety value of various foods, will profoundly influence the effects of these genes. Identifying key SNPs that are likely to influence the health of an individual provides an approach to understanding and, ultimately, to optimizing nutrition at the population or individual level. Traditional methods for identification of SNPs may involve consideration of individual variants, using methodologies such as restriction fragment length polymorphisms or quantitative real-time PCR assays. New developments allow identification of up to 500,000 SNPs in an individual, and with increasingly lowered pricings these developments may explode the population-level potential for dietary optimization based on nutrigenomic approaches.

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