
The P content of swine manure can be reduced through the addition of feed supplements or the use of selected corn hybrids. This study was conducted to compare interrill runoff losses of P and N from three soils following the application of swine manure obtained from selected diets. The soils used in this investigation included a Hersh sandy loam, Pierre silty clay, and Sharpsburg silt loam. Simulated rainfall was applied during both initial and wet runs to a soil pan on which swine manure produced from low phytate corn (LPC), phytase added to the diet (PHY), or a traditional corn diet (TCD) was added. Additional experimental treatments included inorganic fertilizer and an untreated check. For the initial rainfall simulation run, concentrations of dissolved P, bioavailable P, and Total P were greater for the fertilizer treatment than any of the manure treatments. Use of manure from a LPC diet generally did not result in a reduction in N and P concentrations in runoff when compared with the TCD. Concentrations and total amounts of nutrients transported in runoff were affected by soil type. Changing the TCD to LPC and PHY diets to reduce the P content of manure did not significantly affect the total amounts of DP, BAP, or Total P transported in runoff, when simulated rainfall was applied soon after manure application.

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