
The Agulhas Current in the southwest Indian Ocean is the strongest western boundary current on Earth. The major role of the Agulhas Current in driving significant heat and salt fluxes is well known, yet its biogeochemical fluxes remain largely uncharacterised. Here, we use nitrate isotopes (δ15N, δ18O, and Δ(15-18) = δ15N-δ18O) to evaluate nutrient supply mechanisms that ultimately support new production in the southwest Indian Ocean. Across the greater Agulhas region, thermocline nitrate-δ15N is lower (4.9-5.8‰) than the underlying Subantarctic Mode Water source (δ15N of 6.9‰) and the upstream source regions (where nitrate-δ15N ranges from 6.4-7.0‰), which we attribute to local N2 fixation. Using a one-box model to simulate the newly-fixed nitrate flux, we estimate a local N2 fixation rate of 7-25 Tg N.a-1, amounting to ~30-95% of the whole Indian Ocean nitrogen gain estimated by models. Thermocline and mixed-layer nitrate Δ(15-18) is also low, due to both N2 fixation and coupled partial nitrate assimilation and nitrification. This local nitrogen cycling imprints an isotopic signal on Indian Ocean nitrate that persists in Agulhas rings that “leak” into the South Atlantic and are subsequently transported northwards. If this signal is retained in calcifying organisms (e.g., foraminifera) deposited on the seafloor, it could be used to trace past Agulhas leakage, yielding quantitative insights into the strength of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation over time. In addition to local N2 fixation, the nitrate isotopes reveal three physical mechanisms of subsurface nitrate supply: i) inshore upwelling driven by the current and winds, ii) entrainment at the edges of a mesoscale eddy, and iii) density-driven overturning at the current edge induced by strong horizontal velocity and density shears. All these nitrate supply mechanisms are evident as incidences of relatively high-Δ(15-18) nitrate in the thermocline and surface yet the intensity and subsurface expression of some of them is not apparent in the physical data, highlighting the utility of the nitrate isotopes for exploring physical ocean processes. The high mesoscale variability that likely drives subsurface nitrate supply to Agulhas Current surface waters is common to all western boundary currents, implying that vertical nitrate entrainment is quantitatively significant in all such systems. We posit that along with N2 fixation, physical mechanisms of upward nitrate supply enhance ocean fertility and possibly carbon export in the South Indian Ocean. Higher rates of warming, and thus thermal stratification, are expected to decrease Indian Ocean productivity more rapidly in the future than that of other ocean basins. However, a coincident increase in eddy kinetic energy across boundary currents may enhance the upward nutrient supply, partially offsetting the stratification-driven decline in productivity.

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