
In many peri-urban areas of Southeast Asia, land use has been transformed from rice-based to more profitable vegetable-based systems in order to meet the increasing market demand. The major management related flows of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) were quantified over a 1-year period for intensive small-scale aquatic and terrestrial vegetable systems situated in two peri-urban areas of Hanoi City, Vietnam. The two areas have different sources of irrigation water; wastewater from Hanoi City and water from the Red River upstream of Hanoi. The first nutrient balances for this region and farming systems are presented. The main sources of individual elements were quantified and the nutrient use efficiency estimated. The environmental risks for losses and/or soil accumulation were also assessed and discussed in relation to long-term sustainability and health aspects. The primary source of nutrient input involved a combination of chemical fertilisers, manure (chicken) and irrigation water. A variable composition and availability of the latter two sources greatly influenced the relative magnitude of the final total loads for individual elements. Despite relatively good nutrient use efficiencies being demonstrated for N (46–86%) and K (66–94%), and to some extent also for P (19–46%), high inputs still resulted in substantial annual surpluses causing risks for losses to surface and ground waters. The surplus for N ranged from 85 to 882 kg ha −1 year −1, compared to P and K which were 109–196 and 20–306 kg ha −1 year −1, respectively. Those for Cu and Zn varied from 0.2 to 2.7 and from 0.6 to 7.7 kg ha −1 year −1, respectively, indicating high risk for soil accumulation and associated transfers through the food chain. Wastewater irrigation contributed to high inputs, and excess use of organic and chemical fertilisers represent a major threat to the soil and water environment. Management options that improve nutrient use efficiency represent an important objective that will help reduce annual surpluses. A sustainable reuse of wastewater for irrigation in peri-urban farming systems can contribute significantly to the nutrient supply (assuming low concentrations of potential toxic or hazardous substances in the water). Nutrient inputs need to be better related to the crop need, e.g. through better knowledge about the nutrient concentrations in the wastewater and improved management of the amount of irrigation water being applied.

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