
Saigon-Dongnai Rivers in Southern Vietnam is a complex lowland hydrological network of tributaries that is strongly influenced by the tidal cycles. The increasing economic, industrial and domestic developments in and around Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) have led to serious impacts on water quality due to lack of appropriate wastewaters treatment. Drinking water production is impacted and the large aquaculture production areas may also be affected. We analyzed spatial and seasonal variability of nutrient concentrations (Phosphorus, Nitrogen and Silica) and eutrophication indicators (Organic Carbon, Chlorophyll-a and Dissolved Oxygen) based on bi-monthly monitoring during two hydrological cycles (July 2015–December 2017). Four monitoring sites were selected to assess the impact of HCMC: two upstream stations on the Saigon River and Dongnai River branches to provide the reference water quality status before reaching the urbanized area of HCMC; one monitoring station in the city center to highlight Saigon River water quality within the heart of the megacity; the fourth station downstream of the confluence to evaluate the impact of HCMC on the estuarine waters. This study points to excess nutrients in HCMC's water body with concentrations of NH4+ and PO43− averaging to 0.7 ± 0.6 mgN L−1 and 0.07 ± 0.06 mgP L−1, respectively in mean over the monitored period and rising up to 3 mgN L−1 and 0.2 mgP L−1, in extreme conditions. During the dry season, we evidenced that untreated domestic discharges leads to degradation of the Saigon River's water quality with extreme values of algal biomass (up 150 μChl-a L−1) and hypoxic conditions occurring episodically (DO < 2 mg L−1) in the heart of the megacity. Until now, eutrophication in the urban center has had no clear effect downstream because eutrophic water mass from the Saigon River is efficiently mixed with the Dongnai River and sea water masses during the successive semi-diurnal tidal cycles.

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