
Chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) results in an increased predisposition to various metabolic problems that can be exacerbated by consuming a diet rich in calories and saturated fat. In addition, gastrointestinal symptoms have been reported after SCI, including intestinal dysbiosis of the gut microbiome. The effects of both diet and SCI on the gut microbiome of adult male Long Evans rats euthanized 16 wk after injury were investigated. The rats were either thoracic spinal contused or received sham procedures. After 12 wk of either a low-fat or high-fat diet, cecal contents were analyzed, revealing significant microbial changes to every taxonomic level below the kingdom level. Shannon α diversity analyses demonstrated a significant difference in diversity between the groups based on the surgical condition of the rats. SCI produced a unique signature of changes in commensal bacteria that were significantly different than Sham. Specific changes in commensal bacteria as a result of diet manipulation had high fidelity with reports in the literature, such as Clostridia, Thiohalorhabdales, and Pseudomonadales. In addition, novel changes in commensal bacteria were identified that are unique dietary influences on SCI. Linear regression analysis on body fat and lean mass showed that a consequence of chronic SCI produces uncoupled associations between some commensal bacteria and body composition. In conclusion, despite tightly controlling the protein content and varying the carbohydrate and fat contents, Sham and SCI rats respond uniquely to diet. These data provide potential direction for therapeutic modulation of the microbiome to improve health and wellness following SCI.

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