
Pulses are the cheapest and pioneer source of protein for human diet. They have immense potential in improving human health, conserving soil, protecting the environment and contributing to global food security. However, productivity of pulses is lower compared to cereals. Application of nutrients via foliage, in addition to recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) and plant growth regulators (PGRs) at critical growth stages is a unique and easy way to increase the pulse productivity by curbing the barriers encountered during flowering and pod setting. Nutrients applied via foliage will be absorbed and translocated into the vascular system and made available for plant metabolism. The commonly used fertilizers for foliar application are urea, DAP, K2SO4 and micronutrient mixtures. Foliar application of PGRs can modify the source-sink relationship by stimulating the photo-assimilate translocation leading higher productivity. PGRs like NAA, IBA, salicylic acid, brassinosteriods etc. are effective for foliar application. Providing nutrients as wells as PGRs are known to enhance the yield by 15-25% compared to soil nutrition alone.

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