
The number of cancer survivors is expected to rise to up to 20 million by 2026. It is of utmost importance that nurses who provide survivorship care enhance their knowledge and skills to meet the needs of cancer survivors. The purpose of this project is to propose a pilot evidence-based educational project to incorporate the concept and framework of the survivorship care plan for nursing students. We evaluated feedback from nursing students for their knowledge and attitude on cancer survivorship care. A pilot educational project was given to 38 undergraduate students and 17 graduate students. Pre- and post-test feedback were collected from these students. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. At least 60% of both undergraduate and graduate nursing students had experience in either adult or pediatric oncology units. Only 11% of undergraduate and 18% of graduate students reported awareness of survivorship care plans. However, all of the students believed the survivorship care plan will be helpful for cancer patients. We recommend that it is imperative to incorporate the concept of cancer survivorship in the early stage of nursing education.

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