
To describe the construction of a nursing leadership succession plan for a hospital based on the appreciative reflection of nurses. Descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative approach carried out with nurses in a federal public teaching hospital. Data collection was carried out in two stages. The first was an individual interview, and the second was group mediation conducted based on the 4D Cycle and the assumptions of Appreciative Inquiry. Descriptive analysis of the findings was carried out. The data showed a highly qualified team of different generations, concerned with succession planning based on scientific evidence, involving teams and carried out carefully for nurses at different stages of their professional careers. The principles of Appreciative Inquiry allowed the construction of a succession plan to enhance leadership development actions in the hospital. The collaborative environment between generations was valued and planning focused on participatory management was created in the process. This aspect can profoundly change the institution's internal policy in several areas and point out ways to implement succession planning in different contexts.


  • describe the construction of a nursing leadership succession plan for a hospital based on the appreciative reflection of nurses

  • was group mediation conducted based on the 4D Cycle

  • with succession planning based on scientific evidence

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Desenho do estudo

Exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa, fundamentado na Investigação Apreciativa (IA)(14), cuja abordagem se propõe a destacar “o que há de melhor, o que dá vida a um sistema em seu estado mais eficaz e capaz, em termos econômicos, sociais, ecológicos e humanos”(15). Caracteriza-se pela investigação da multiplicidade e da potencialidade das relações humanas, baseada em pontos fortes para o desenvolvimento e gestão de mudanças da organização[17]. Para o desenvolvimento do estudo, foram seguidas as orientações do Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ): a 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groups[22] na composição de cada uma das etapas, com vistas a alcançar o máximo rigor possível no decorrer da investigação

Critérios de seleção
Coleta de dados
Análise e tratamento dos dados
Caracterização dos participantes
Seis meses
Dois anos
Equipe do setor
Buscar fundamentação
Um ano e meio
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