
Objective To summarize the nursing points of the patients with refractory glaucoma un-dergone ahmed valve insertion with donor human sclera patch.Methods The nursing points of 102 con-secutive refractory glaucoma cases who underwent ahmed glaucoma valve implant insertion with donor hu-man sclera patch placed over the tube were studied retrospectively.Results 100 (98.04%) glaucoma-tous valves kept on being unobstructed postoperatively.Complications occurred in some patients including hyphema(5 cases), tube exposure (1 cases), shallow anterior chamber(16 cases), hypertension accom-panied with eye pain, headache, and corneal edema early after surgery (14 cases received paracentisis within 3 days), tubes obstructed by the vitrous needed vitrectomy (3 cases), obstructed by silicon oi1(2 cases).Conclusions Paying attention to psychological nursing and health instruction preoperatively, close observation after surgery, and correct instructions for the out- patients, are the key points in the reha-bilitation process after ahmed valve insertion with donor human sclera patch. Key words: Glaucoma; Ahmed valve insertion; Nursing

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