
Redefinition of roles and functions in the healthcare systems of the future requires embracing to the value of continuing education. Within this framework healthcare professional education and continuing education, there are several core competencies described by Institute of Medicine (IOM) [A.C. Greiner, E. Knebel (Eds.), Health Professionals Education: Bridge to Quality, IOM, available at http://www.nap.edu/catalog/10681.html, May 2003] that form the foundation for practice for nurses and other healthcare professionals. An overarching sentence in the document says “All health professionals should be educated to deliver patient-centered care as members of an interdisciplinary team, emphasizing evidence-based practice, quality improvement approaches, and informatics” (p. 45). These IOM core competencies are: (1) Common value for respecting patients’ differences, values, preferences and expressed needs. (2) Ability to cooperate, collaborate, communicate and integrate care using interdisciplinary teams. (3) Knowledge of and willingness to employ evidence-based practice principles. (4) Capability to apply quality and safety improvement approaches in care. (5) Understand, value and use informatics to all areas of health care, to reduce errors, manage knowledge and information, and make decisions and communicate. In enveloping these core competencies in basic and continuing education, it is necessary to build an evidence base for education itself, demand that faculty are prepared for the future. A crucial need is for healthcare professional students (including nursing students) learn interdisciplinary collaboration in the education of patients. A global strategy, using these competencies for preparing faculty is necessary; and some models already exist that can be further developed to meet future needs that are informatics driven in our increasingly technological future care systems.

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