
Severe pre-eclampsia is one of the causes of complications in pregnancy, which is characterized by an increase in blood pressure > 160/110 mmHg, so delivery must be carried out by cesarean section. According to WHO, the incidence of pre-eclampsia in the world is around 0.51--38.4%. Pre-eclampsia cases in Indonesia are around 1.8%--18% and rank second as the cause of death in Indonesia. The purpose of this case study is to provide nursing care to patients with severe pre-eclampsia. This research method uses a qualitative approach with case studies as the main method, using observation sheets, interviews, and documentation studies. The case study was chosen by one patient as the study subject, namely a patient with severe pre-eclampsia in the rose room of Waled Cirebon Hospital. The management of nursing care is based on meeting the needs of patients within three days. The results of the evaluation were that acute pain was resolved, ineffective breastfeeding was resolved, and physical mobility disorders were resolved. The conclusion is that nursing care is effective in providing severe pre-eclampsia patients in meeting patient needs. It is recommended that nurses be able to make this report as one of the reference sources in implementing nursing care for post-SC mothers with PEB.

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