
Background and objective: Nurses in primary health care are a considerable group of professionals working in the health sector and an adequate quality of working life will empower them to provide favorable quality care to their clients. Further, a better quality of working life can keep the employees focused and support them to strive effectively towards the organization’s vision. The aim of the study was to explore the relationship between nurses' empowerment and quality of work life at primary health care centers in Assiut City.Methods: This study was conducted in a descriptive correlated manner; the population consisted of the Assiut city primary health care centers nursing staff (n = 85). Self-administered questionnaire consisted of three parts: 1st part-Personal characteristics data questionnaire, 2nd part-Work Empowerment Promoting Factors Scale, and 3rd part: Quality of Nurses' Work Life questionnaire.Results: There were significant negative correlations between quality of work life and empowerment factors among studied nurses.Conclusions and recommendations: Workshops on the quality of work life skills for nurses and nurse managers should be done periodically, nurse managers in MCH centers should provide nurses by sufficient information, guide and resources, Nurses in primary health centers have to remain allowed to participate in decision making process to empower them, as like properly as growing theirs effect on autonomy, and First line nurse managers should periodically have nursing group meeting to verbalized, vitalize and support peer and social interaction.

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