
New data on the settlement of the Bologna territory during the Celtic period Two sites in the neighbourhood of Bologna (the central area of the Boian territory) recently gave interesting vestiges from the IVth to the IIIrd c. BC. In Casteldebole, there was found in a cistern a series of black-varnished pottery from the end of the IVth c., significant for the commercial contacts : these are not only Etruscan products (Volterra) but also products from workshops on the sea-shore (in the country-side of Spina). In Dozza-Arcoveggio was discovered a small necropole with 5 inhumation tombs, one of which for a warrior, the whole being divided between two families. Apart from some elements of Italic tradition, the finds are typically Latenian et can be dated between the end of the IVth c. and the middle of the IIIrd c. BC.

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