
This paper is on the experiential teaching learning method applied as a part of active learning and active student engagement for the courses such as Numerical based, Calculative courses. The students solved the numerical, and based on the same numerical they have been asked to prepare a working model or animation with the same dimensions (scaled) and motion parameters. This was applied to second year of polytechnic level course of Mechanical Program. Their demonstration on model in-line with the numerical were evaluated and credited in their course with 10% weightage. There was a great response received from the students for numerical to working models’ approach, their learning from calculative numerical course was improved and the comfort in it was increase. The performances and the implementation is found to be indunted. Further this approach could be modified with the same methodology for betterment in learning of students and incorporating in the courses at different levels and to different programs. Keywords— Active Learning, Innovative best practices, Student Centric Teaching-Learning method.

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