
This paper presents 2D simulations of atmospheric pressure discharges in helium with N2 and O2 admixtures, propagating in a dielectric tube between a point electrode and a grounded metallic target. For both positive and negative polarities, the propagation of the first ionization front is shown to correspond to a peak of the absolute value of the axial electric field inside the tube, but also outside the tube. After the impact on the metallic target, a rebound front is shown to propagate from the target to the point electrode. This rebound front is 2–3 times faster than the first ionization front. Close to the high voltage point, this rebound front corresponds to a second peak of the absolute value of the axial electric field. Close to the target, as the first ionization and rebound fronts are close in time, only one peak is observed. The dynamics of the absolute value of the radial component of electric field outside the tube is shown to present an increase during the first ionization front propagation and a fast decrease corresponding to the propagation of the rebound front. These time evolutions of the electric field components are in agreement with experiments. Finally, we have shown that the density of metastable He* in 99% He—1% N2 and 99% He—1% O2 atmospheric pressure discharges are very close. Close to the grounded target, the peak density of reactive species is significantly increased due to the synergy between the first ionization and rebound fronts, as observed in experiments. Similar results are obtained for both voltage polarities, but the peak density of metastable He* close to the target is shown to be two times less in negative polarity than in positive polarity.

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