
Generalized theory of the normal metal properties in the case of special properties of the electron band of finite width for the electron-phonon (EP) systems with the not constant density of electronic states is used to study hydrogen sulfide SH3normal state properties under the pressure of 225 GPa and at the temperature of 203K. The frequency dependence of both the real and imaginary part of the self-energy part of the electron Green’s function, as well as the density of electronic states of the stable hydrogen sulfide orthorhombic structure IM-3M SH3 at a pressure of P = 225GPa renormalized with the strong electron-phonon interaction is calculated. It is found that adjacent to the Fermi level region of the hydrogen sulfide SH3 electron band is experiencing a number of pockets with energy widths having values well compared with the characteristic phonon energy of the system.

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