
The development in advanced manufacturing techniques and CNC (Computer numerical controlled) means that now we have a better control on cutting mechanisms and these highly precise procedures can facilitate us with manufacturing of complex steel meshed patterns. These advanced manufacturing techniques can now help us in creating new custom steel connections working on intermeshed properties among the connecting components and these connections are independent of bolts and welds allowing for faster construction. Intermeshed steel connections are relatively new and studies have only been conducted to investigate its behavior under the gravity loading and fewer researches have been devoted to investigate their performance under earthquake loading. This paper focuses on failing mechanisms and design recommendations for the new innovative proposed intermeshed steel connection between beams and columns under the cyclic loading. First, for in-depth understanding of this new proposed configuration 10 sample models were analyzed in ABAQUS with focus on different parameters such as meshed pattern, reduced beam section, unreduced beam section, steps welded to the column, continuity plates and contact percentage. The results predicted that beam to column connection delivered a satisfactory performance with the buckling in column web in the absence of continuity plates and yielding of connector element along the thickness. The connection was then optimized by increasing the thickness of stiffeners in the connector elements and by retrofitting five plates located at a distance of 100 mm center to center. It was found that optimized configuration with plates between L connector elements delivered 5% better seismic response as compared to the normal configuration. It was also concluded that the unreduced beam section performed better than the reduced beam section for intermeshed steel connection when configuration of the connection remained the same. Based on the hysteresis response of the structure, the configuration of the connection can be classified as semi rigid as it was able to transfer a portion of the moment to the column. While this paper only investigates the connection configuration for the same cross section of beam and column, more research should be carried out to investigate optimum topology of intermeshed for varying cross section of beam and column.

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