
One of the main problems in the HCCI engine is the control and operation of the combustion process. At present the primary method of control of the combustion process in an HCCI engine system is EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation). The paper presents the results of three-dimensional modeling of combustion in a single-cylinder HCCI engine powered with DMEfuel with a cooled external EGR. 3D modeling was performed in A VL Fire code. This -work investigates the effects of EGR rate on the basic combustion parameters including start of the ignition (SOI), burn duration (BD), indicated pressure (pj and nitric oxide (NO) emissions. The modeling results show that increasing of the EGR rate in HCCI engine can delay the start of ignition (SOI) effectively and leads to a prolongation of the burn duration (BD). Delayed ignition in the HCCI engine through EGR, can provide similar performance (p) compared to conventional CI engine and at the same timeprovide a significant reduction in NOx emissions.


  • homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) (Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition) combustion system is one of the most promising solutions used in piston engines

  • Cooled external exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) can delay the start of combustion (SOC) effectively, which is very useful for high cetane fuel HCCI because these fuels can self-ignite, making the SOC earlier

  • The results show that the single-stage ignition fuel – ethanol is quite sensitive to the reduction of compression heating that occurs with EGR due to a higher heat capacity of the EGR gases compared to air

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HCCI (Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition) combustion system is one of the most promising solutions used in piston engines. At present the suggested method of control and combustion process in HCCI engine system is the EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation). The presented work concerns the numerical study of the use of cooled external EGR to control the combustion process of homogeneous mixtures in HCCI engine. System spalania HCCI (Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition – zapłon samoczynny mieszanki jednorodnej) jest obecnie jednym z najbardziej korzystnych rozwiązań stosowanych w silnikach tłokowych. Obecnie sugerowaną metodą sterowania i kontroli procesu spalania w silniku z systemem HCCI jest EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation – recyrkulacja spalin), polegający na wprowadzaniu do układu zasilania a następnie komory spalania silnika pewnej ilości spalin, która w następnym cyklu pracy ma wziąć udział w procesie spalania. Process, and should contribute to reduce emissions of NOx in comparison with the conventional compression-ignition engines

The existing state of research
Dotychczasowy stan badań
Test engine and model assumptions
Silnik badawczy i założenia modelu
Results of calculation
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