
In this study, we present a 6-step linear multistep mehod in union with some newton-cote quadrature family for solving third order Linear Fredholm Integro-Differential Equation(LIDE). The schemes were derived using Vieta-Pell-Lucas Polynomial as the approximating function. The linear multi-step component is for the non integral part while the quadrature family is for the Integral part. The quaudrature methods Boole , Simpson 3/8 and Trapezoidal rule were separately combined with the linear multistep method. The qualititaive analysis of the scheme revealed that the method is consistence, stable and convergent. In order to further attest to the behavioural attribute of the methods, numerical experiments were carried out on some selected Initial Value Problems.The results from the tested problems and their absolute errors of deviation revealed that the new method is very suitbale for solution to the tested problems. The scheme when combined with Boole and Simpson 3/8 merhod, performed better with Tracendental function than when combined with Trapezoidal rule and vice –versa. The results further showed that the proposed method perform creditably well with lesser computional steps when compared with some existing methods when applied to the selected examples.

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