
Mesoscale model such as Meso-NH have proven to be highly reliable in reproducing 3D maps of optical turbulence (OT).1–3 These last years ground-based astronomy has been looking towards Antarctica, especially its summits and the continental plateau where the OT appears to be confined in a shallow layer close to the surface. However some uncertainties remain. That’s why our group is focusing on a detailed study of the atmospheric flow and turbulence in the internal Antarctic Plateau. Our intention in this study is to use the Meso-NH model to do predictions of the atmospheric flow in the internal plateau. The use of this model permits us to have access to informations inside an entire 3D volume, which is not the case with observations only. Two different configurations of the model have been used: one with a low horizontal resolution (∆X = 100 km) and another one with higher horizontal resolution with the help of the grid-nesting interactive technique (∆X = 1 km in the innermost domain). The impact of the configuration on the meteorological parameters has already been studied.4 We present here the results obtained with Meso-Nh of forecasted C2 N profiles, surface layer thickness (SLT) and seeing values at Dome C for the 16 winter nights, whose C2 N profiles have been measured by Ref. 5.

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