
In order to enhance the heat transfer effect and improve the energy utilization efficiency of the circular tube under turbulent flow, rhombic and triangular winglet vortex generators are proposed on the basis of rectangular winglet vortex generator. The effects of three vortex generators on flow and heat transfer in the tube are investigated by numerical simulations. The results indicate that, the rectangular and triangular winglets generate two pairs of longitudinal vortices and the triangular winglets generate four pairs of longitudinal vortices due to additional shrinkage regions. The multiple longitudinal vortices increase the mixing between the fluids, raise the temperature in the central region of the tube, and enhance the heat transfer effect. Furthermore, the triangular winglet enhanced tube has the largest direct flow area and the least effect on resistance. The triangular winglet enhanced tube had the best comprehensive performance, followed by the rhombic winglet enhanced tube, and finally, the rectangular winglet enhanced tube. The performance evaluation criterion (PEC) reached 1.04-1.13, 1.05-1.15, and 1.08-1.21 for the three enhanced tubes in the given flow rate interval. In addition, the effect of inclination angle on the triangular winglet enhanced tube was further investigated, and the results show that the best comprehensive performance of enhanced heat transfer is achieved at an inclination angle of 45?, with a maximum PEC of 1.25.

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