
Welding problems encountered in the nuclear industry have been mainly addressed by weldability tests and the analysis, development of new techniques or improvements through lesson learning. Since a decade, AREVA is developing a complementary approach based on numerical simulation. Residual stresses present in reactors do not constitute a major problem at the design stage; even though they may have a strong impact on some types of damage. Numerical welding simulation in the nuclear industry has focused mainly on residual stress prediction, which constitutes an issue for engineering. PWR components are usually massive; nevertheless distortion may also be a source of concern in component design: some structures are slender in spite of their thickness; narrow gap welding requires a close control of the groove width. AREVA, also working on a fast breeder project, the distortion problem gains in importance. In this prospect, AREVA, world energy expert, paid special attention on the numerical simulation of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) of a mock-up relative to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Vacuum Vessel (VV). One of the challenges of manufacturing the ITER vacuum vessel is the low value of acceptance level of distortion (∼ 10 mm) compared to the global dimensions of the structure (∼ 10 m). Welding simulations of a representative mock-up of VV pattern of the made of austenitic steel plates (316L(N) ITER GRADE) are carried out. The aim of the numerical simulations is to check the quality of the distortion prediction. Multi pass welding simulation reproduces the deposit of each bead by thermo-metallurgical and mechanical calculations. Distortions induced by each weld are computed using a simplified approach (local global method). This method aims at modeling long and numerous welding operations with an acceptable calculation time. Moreover, this method is improved in order to respect welding sequence with partial filling of grooves. After welding sequences, distortions are measured at some representative points of the mock-up. The paper presents the methodology of the numerical simulations and the relevant results: • Residual stress and strain fields in and near the welds (local fields), • Distortion prediction for the global structure. The comparison with experimental distortions shows that the trends of the experimental deformed shape are well represented by the simulations. Moreover, displacement magnitudes are in good agreement with measurements.

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