
When the bridge piers are located in front of the water flow, vortices are formed against it and due to their activity, the materials of the river bed are eroded around the bridge piers and the scouring hole is created. If the foundation depth and bridge pier piles are insufficient, the bridge will fail.The study of total shear stress in the flow bed at different leveling of the pile caps shows that the highest shear stress is created when the pile cap position is at the same level as the river bed; by installing the pile cap at a lower level than the river bed, the maximum shear stress decreases. This may be due to the fact that in this case, the distance between the pier group increases and the presence of the second pier decreases the flow rate in the pier group and different pier in the one pier group acts as the two independent piers in the formation of the flow pattern. By comparing the final longitudinal sections of the scouring at different leveling of the pile cap, it is concluded that the largest reduction in scouring depth occurs in aerofoil-shaped pile caps and pile caps with the sharper nose and better aerodynamic shapes are good options to control the horseshoe vortices and will reduce the scouring depth around the inclined pier group.

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