
Computer modeling of the behavior of the lithosphere provides students with an opportunity to investigate, in only a few minutes, a natural process that occurs over tens of millions of years. A computer program that simulates the lithosphere's response to loading, BASIN, was developed for use in undergraduate laboratory exercises and is described here. Students can change the variables in the BASIN program and examine the factors controlling flexure of the lithosphere and basin formation. The rheology of the lithosphere determines the shape of any deformation produced by an applied load. The computer simulation described here assumes that the lithosphere behaves elastically. Deflection of an elastic plate is a function of the size, shape, and density of the load and the flexural rigidity of the plate. By changing these variables in a computer model, students can gain a better understanding of the mechanics of basin formation. BASIN can be modified to model different types of sedimentary basins. Students a...

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